Monday, September 5, 2011

5 Months

This month has been a pretty good one overall!
We've had mostly steps forward and a couple of little lapses, well, really just one bigger one, but we're working on that.

  • No doctor's appointment this month, but I estimate him to be about 15 lbs and 25.5 inches long. We'll see what his stats really are next month.
  • He can almost sit up by himself- he's super close.

See? He's not really propped up here.
  • He's still pretty small. There are some 3 month clothes he still fits in to! 
  • He can roll from his back to his stomach and he loves to lay on his stomach now to play with his toys.
  • He enjoys standing and holding on to things, but you have to watch him closely because he's not good at holding on.
  • He'll reach out and grab at your face to give you kisses, but this can also be dangerous because of his fingernails that he digs into your face.
  • KC entertains him a lot. He laughs and laughs when she comes near.
  • Trey gets a big smile when he comes home from work.
  • We're working on taking 3 consolidated naps during the day. This usually happens.
  • Sometimes it's annoying but he loves his schedule and if we veer from it, he's usually one upset little boy.
  • He's eating rice cereal once a day, but it's making him constipated, so we're about to switch to oatmeal. I will say that he LOVES eating from the spoon. It's pretty cute.
  • Lately, he's been waking up at 5:30 am which is our step back. He used to be the best sleeper: 7-7 every night. We're working on pushing him to sleep later, but it's been one step forward, two steps back. I keep hoping this is just a phase, but it's been a four week long phase at this point. I am not enjoying this one at all. 

I can't think of anything else at the moment except that he finally discovered the bear he takes pictures with. Here's a little photo evidence.
 Hey you, Mr. Bear. Whatcha doing here?

What's this thing hanging off your neck?

This is my chair. Get outta here.

1 comment:

  1. I want to sign up for the three naps a day regimen! (Hank)
