Monday, December 5, 2011

Who me? Crafty?

Yep, that's right!

So the baby boom continues, and it seems I have more friends that are pregnant right now than not. It's very exciting, but expensive times ;)

I decided to try to be crafty and sew some fun prints with ribbon borders on burp cloths for baby gifts. I received some of these from different people, and I LOVE them. Gerber makes the best plain white burp cloths, but they're a little flimsy, so when you add the fabric, they're perfect.
Here's my first go-around. These are for Katie Taglione Mallette and her baby girl, Madison.
I thought the pink and green were pretty together.

Close up of the 'packaging' I created.

It's fun to do, and I'm excited to do it for more people!


  1. So cute! You are becoming quite a seamstress!

  2. I have seen a ton of these on Pinterest. I am going to make some for Heather for our new little one. These are really darling.
