Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mom Lesson #1

Strawberries should never be given first at a meal. If they are the first thing on the tray, every subsequent piece of food will be immediately thrown on the floor. Lesson learned. Strawberries are baby's (at least my son's) equivalent to dessert. Why eat dinner if you get dessert first?

PS This lesson, obviously, is not the first lesson I've learned from being a mom. If I were to accurately number this lesson, it would be more like 999,999,999, but I figured that was unrealistic to keep up with. As I've decided to start chronicling my little lessons along the way on this blog, then it is #1 for that purpose. Enjoy :)

1 comment:

  1. One year when Taylor was little, I took Justin and her to go pick strawberries at the farm next to the Renaissance Fair. When we left we put the fresh, dirty strawberries in the back seat next to Taylor's car seat. Justin and I heard this sound (munch, munch, munch) and found Taylor with strawberry juice just dripping down her chin. She was so happy! If I wouldn't have taken them away from her, she would have eaten all of them before we got home!
