Friday, December 7, 2012

25 weeks

As my pregnancy app told me yesterday, this baby is 2/3rds of the way done!
I can't believe it!
This pregnancy is going by so fast. In about 3 months, we'll meet our newest little man.

Here how things are:
  • He's measuring right where he needs to be right now which is great.
  • He moves A LOT. I don't know if I just don't remember it with Luke, but I definitely feel this baby is on the move a lot more. I've felt that way since the very beginning of feeling him. As he's gotten bigger, it's definitely settling down more, but he was crazy there for a bit.
  • He's been sitting a lot right under my right rib which isn't all that comfortable.
  • I've been feeling really good. I finally don't feel tired all of the time which is nice. It took me until about week 22 or so to start feeling that way. 
  • My hunger is also much better. I don't have to carry snacks around with me all of the time any longer.
  • It seems that my body gains weight right away with babies and then barely gains anything later. I gained a good 10-12 pounds just in the first trimester, but since then I've only gained about five more which makes my weight pretty much no problem!
  • My back just started hurting a little bit, but I think that's more due to picking up Luke and carrying him around, as well.
  • Otherwise, I'm just starting to make lists of things that need to be done/ bought before the baby arrives. I'm not really stressed about it, but I'm starting to prepare which is nuts!
Well, between the time I wrote this and posted it, I did have one meltdown about getting Luke into an extra day of mother's day out each week. I figured it out, but I feel my mental/ emotional state is definitely more stressed than my physical state!

Also, blogger won't let me post pics anymore without paying, so I've got to figure out how to make this work. For now, no pics :( But I hope to figure it out soon :)


  1. So glsd to hear that you are doing so well. I hope the meltdown wasn't guilt about the extra day in mother's day out. He certainly is social enough and seems like he enjoys the time spent there. I had Lauren in morning sessions of playday 2X aweek when she was 2.6 and Trey started morning sessions 3X a week at 3. I really felt that they needed the socialization. You're a great mom and Luke is such a happy kid. You and Trey seem to get this parenting thing right!

    1. The meltdown was actually from not thinking I would be able to get him in anywhere for a second day. I think he'll handle it fine. I wasn't sure I would handle it fine if he was home four days out of the week. Maybe that's bad, but I'm more worried about my mental state than his at the moment!

  2. I ran out of room for my pictures too. Now I upload my pics to Flickr (I first had a free account, but now pay like $25 a year for free storage) and then link them to my blog. One extra step, but what can you do?
