Sunday, September 7, 2014

Garrett is 1.5 years old!

What a difference a year makes! Garrett is all sorts of little boy now, and we enjoy him so much even if we do like to call him  "sweet and sour". He makes life interesting! But he's so sweet and love able. This kid gives the best hugs :)

•Garrett is now in 18 month clothes. He can wear 12 month shorts and pants some, but I'm trying to clean those out.
•He's also in size 5 shoe and size 4 diaper. 
•G has become a great sleeper! He goes down at 7 and sleeps until around 6:30. He likes to nap between 12 and 12:30 and sleeps around 2 hours.
•G has a mind of his own and is very headstrong. He loves to say, "no, no, no" while waving his hand. It's awesome especially when it's hot and won't come inside. He has no problem taking what he wants and demanding everything else.
•Garrett is saying new things all of the time. He says mommy, daddy, more, no, happy, dog, door, yea, hello, water, waffle, done. He says 'happy birthday' but it sounds like happy daddy. I do feel like he's more on the physical side. He's trying to jump, and he's all over the place.
•He loves though like no other. He hugs you by grabbing on and holding tight. It's awesome. Now, he only does it when he wants to or when he has to apologize for hitting, throwing, or biting, but when he does, it's glorious.
• G loves to push his chair with his seat on it away from the table and he won't let you push him back. He finds this hilarious. He also climbs on everything! He gets in the kitchen table chairs and then the table. He knows how to climb up on the side of the tub and turn the water on. I'm surprised he's still not clbimg out of his crib.
•The kid is also a dare devil. This weekend, he climbed up a ladder at the park to slide. He did it all by himself. He seems to have no fear.
•Also, he can be calm. I find him reading books in his room by himself. He usually is looking at books with dogs in it. He loves animals, especially, dogs. He waves at dogs every time we see one.
•We recently took him for his first haircut. He did great- no tears. Now he looks like a bigger boy. The baby in him is slowly slipping away.
•G loves his family. All of us get his special attention. Mommy usually has to put him to bed. But he loves for daddy to come home from work and rough house with him. This kid is super unhappy if Luke is asleep and he's awake or at school too long without him. He's a lover in the end, a crazy one for sure. :)

We love our G. He adds so much spice to our family. He reminds you to live and love big :)