Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Trey told me that I had to blog today because it'd been a while. And, yes, I agree with him. It's been far too long. The only problem is that I can't think of a dang thing to blog about, and when I do have that fleeting thought, it's exactly that- fleeting. I can't remember anything these days long enough to actually complete the task. It's sad, really. If I think about it too long, it's downright depressing. I used to have a mind like a razor and never wrote anything down, but how things change. So for those of you who don't have children and you have those thoughts every once in a while about how forgetful your mom is (because I know you do), just have a little compassion because you made her that way. I don't mean that in a mean way. I mean that in a 'just that's how it is' way. She leaves her keys in weird places because her brain has ceased to function properly since you were born. So... that's mom lesson #2. All moms lose their mind, and it begins the second they have a child. And maybe my case of forgetfulness is more pronounced because I'm with him all day, or maybe it's just bad no matter what. Who knows.

But that doesn't mean I don't love my little memory eraser. He's pretty dang cute. Maybe that's why he's sucked every working molecule out of my mind because I can't quit thinking about how cute he is and how much I love him.

Now for the video:

I was trying to make him laugh by bouncing a ball. Excuse the runny nose. It's been a constant lately.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mom Lesson #1

Strawberries should never be given first at a meal. If they are the first thing on the tray, every subsequent piece of food will be immediately thrown on the floor. Lesson learned. Strawberries are baby's (at least my son's) equivalent to dessert. Why eat dinner if you get dessert first?

PS This lesson, obviously, is not the first lesson I've learned from being a mom. If I were to accurately number this lesson, it would be more like 999,999,999, but I figured that was unrealistic to keep up with. As I've decided to start chronicling my little lessons along the way on this blog, then it is #1 for that purpose. Enjoy :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

New Party Trick

Here's his new trick:

Yep, he'll be extremely mobile soon. And then KC better really watch out!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Silly Boy

So... here's how Luke likes to crawl.

Yep, with rings in his hands. Too cute.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

9 months


9 months seems to have snuck up. I know it's uber typical to proclaim, "Where has the time gone?", but it's completely accurate. I've had my little man for 9 whole months now, and it seems like just yesterday we brought him home.
BUT I will proclaim that he is SO much more FuN and ExCiTInG than he was then. I mean, newborns are the purest form of human possible, but they don't make you laugh until you cry with an odd-looking smile.

I LOVE, LoVe, love my Lukie, and I feel special beyond words to know him and even more special that I get to spend every day with him.

I know for sure that this has been (probably until kid #2 happens) the absolute hardest 9 months of my life. A friend told me before I had him that she feels that having a baby and then caring for a newborn breaks you down completely so that you can then be built back into a parent and your 'new' self. I would have to agree with her- the hard has yielded the most wonderful, mind-opening, awesome, most loving time of my life (probably until #2 kid happens). Being married taught me how to trust and depend on someone fully, but having a child has taught me how to love fully. I love my family more deeply than I ever could have imagined.

So, moving on from the sappiness and onto the updates!

If his 8 month theme was Lukie's on the move, his 9 month theme is Lukie's REALLY on the move. Actually, I think he's changed more this past month than any other one. He's developing and doing something new every day (which also makes this stage so much more fun!). 

  • He weighed in at 17 lbs. 4 oz which makes him only in the 10th percentile. Yes, he's a little man.
  • His height is 27 inches which makes him between the 25th and 10th percentile. 
  • His head circumference was in the 25th-10th percentile also, but I don't remember the measurement.
  • He crawls everywhere! He looks like a doll when he crawls because it's such a perfect, upright, gliding crawl. I've never seen a real baby crawl like he does. It's not just me who sees this either, others have commented.
  • Before he truly crawled, he did what I called the "tripod". He would crawl but he left one of his legs stuck straight out to the side. It was easier for him to get from that position to sitting, but it looked rather funny.
  • He says a couple of words. He will say "Hi Kitty". It sounds more like "Hi Iddy", but it's there! We also got him to say "doggy" over Christmas. He also says mama and dada, but doesn't really say it to us; he'll just say it.
  • He can shake his head 'no', but he has no idea what this means, so it's pretty funny.
  • He throws things. He can't throw hard or far, but he'll toss balls and things like that. 
  • He can pull up to his knees and once, when he was mad in his crib, he pulled all the way up to standing.
  • He's still in 9 month clothes, but 12 month clothes are not far off. I need to start shopping! We have nothing in that size (except for 1 pj).
  • He eats solids all of the time now. He has perfected the 'pincher' grasp.He eats cheerios, grapes, bananas, toast, green beans, yogurt, blueberries, pasta, avocado, and pretty much anything that can be chopped up or smooshed a little bit for him.
  • He's still nursing, but we're down to about 4 times a day.
  • He wears size 3 diapers when he's in disposable, but we're still mastering the cloth on a regular basis.
  • We're keeping busy with MOPS where he is a favorite in his Moppette room. The ladies call him their buddy, and I regularly come to pick him up and find him being rocked because they like to cuddle with him. We also belong to a MOMS club group which meets weekly. I've met some other moms who are very nice and Luke has met some other babies who are right around his age, so it's a win-win! They all live on the west side of Richardson, so everyone is super close which makes it very easy to meet up. I feel like I've finally meeting some mom friends which makes staying home much more enjoyable. I've found the key to not going crazy is having places to go and to see other people! I was not made for staying in my house all day!

Overall, we're doing well and making things work around here :)
It's been an adventure so far, and I know it will probably get even more adventurous! I'm gearing up for the 'fun' to come!