Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Trey told me that I had to blog today because it'd been a while. And, yes, I agree with him. It's been far too long. The only problem is that I can't think of a dang thing to blog about, and when I do have that fleeting thought, it's exactly that- fleeting. I can't remember anything these days long enough to actually complete the task. It's sad, really. If I think about it too long, it's downright depressing. I used to have a mind like a razor and never wrote anything down, but how things change. So for those of you who don't have children and you have those thoughts every once in a while about how forgetful your mom is (because I know you do), just have a little compassion because you made her that way. I don't mean that in a mean way. I mean that in a 'just that's how it is' way. She leaves her keys in weird places because her brain has ceased to function properly since you were born. So... that's mom lesson #2. All moms lose their mind, and it begins the second they have a child. And maybe my case of forgetfulness is more pronounced because I'm with him all day, or maybe it's just bad no matter what. Who knows.

But that doesn't mean I don't love my little memory eraser. He's pretty dang cute. Maybe that's why he's sucked every working molecule out of my mind because I can't quit thinking about how cute he is and how much I love him.

Now for the video:

I was trying to make him laugh by bouncing a ball. Excuse the runny nose. It's been a constant lately.


  1. So true! If I don't write it down in my phone, it doesn't get done or bought at the store! Cute video!

  2. Thanks so much for the video! I needed a dose of Lukie today! Now here's the funny part...Tinkerbelle has climbed all the way up to the computer to try to find Luke. She is looking all around and is so confused. She is sitting at the keyboard still trying to find the baby! She always gets excited when she hears him!

  3. I can't remember anything anymore either. Also, I think those rings win as Luke's favorite toys. He seems to always have them in his hands.

    1. You make me feel better. Maybe it comes with age?!? Whatever it is- it stinks :)
