Thursday, December 12, 2013

Nine months!!

We're so close to a year now, it's weird! I'm starting to think about 1st birthday things- what in the world?!?

Here's how Mr. G us doing!
-17 lbs which is about 15th %ile
-26.25 inches which is negative %ile, literally below the line.
- head is 55th %ile- what really counts :)

- G is a better sleeper. He gets up between 2 and 4 to nurse, but sleeps well otherwise.
-He's pulling up all over the place and over thanksgiving, he eve climbed a stair.
-G is still all over the place crawling. He loves chasing Luke around. 
- He pretty much only wants to play with Luke's toys at this point. He is not into baby toys.
- He's really happy all of the time. He's a trooper these days.
- G still takes 2 naps around 9 and 1. I can flex them a little, but he'll only take two- no matter what!
- G wears size 3 diapers. He can wear 12 month pj's but he's still mostly in 9 month clothes.
- This kid will eat mostly everything. And we've moved him completely to table food. He loves it all! He also can use a sippy cup with a straw like a pro.
- G also likes to bang :) and he loves to be sung to.

This kid has really become such a lover. I love being around him. He can be demanding but he loves to be held and he'll lay his head down on my shoulder which melts my heart. I love it :) and I love him.

Monday, November 18, 2013

8 months

Garrett has become an awesome baby that's so much fun to be around! He has the sweetest smile and loves a good laugh. Here's what he's up to:
- G loves food! He continues to eat baby food and enjoys everything I put in front of him. He's starting finger foods like bread and strawberries.
- Sleep is definitely still going well. He goes down vey easily at 7. He nurses around 3 and then will usually sleep until at least 6:30. Sometimes he chooses to get up around 5:30. Those days are hard. He naps at 9 and 1. He usually only needs about two hours total for naps.
- He's moved up to size 9 month clothes and size 3 diapers.
-G loves bath time. He gets so excited to get in the tub. He also knows when it's time for bath when I get his towel out. He just lights up!
- He loves Luke so much! Luke loves to push him down, but there's still love :)
- G got his two bottom teeth right after he turned 8 months.
- G started to crawl!!! He's now on the move which has made things interesting. G is definitely happy to be moving while Luke is a little unsure. I'm glad he's moving because he can get to where he wants- very nice!
- Along with crawling, he's starting to pull up some. He's gotten to his knees and is trying to get to his feet. 

He's becoming a toddler all too fast! I feel like I'm losing my baby. It's exciting but a little sad, as well. But, either way, I love, love, love him!!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

30 weeks=7 months

Mr. G is over half way to a year!! 
This month has been good in many ways. I can say that life is finally a little less survival, and we're finally able to start enjoying things around us :)
•sleep- yes! We are getting it again!! The day G turned 6 months, we sleep trained him. He actually took it on pretty well. He cried for 45 minutes and then slept int 6 am. He's had a few other nights when he's cried for a bit. I thought he'd be past that after a month but I guess he just needs to express himself! Now, he's down at 7, wakes between 4 and 5 to be fed, and then he sleeps anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours more. Not too bad and much better than before!
-His naps are pretty good. He goes down around 9 and then between 12 and 1. He only takes one good, long nap a day. The other tends to be shorter, but he seems ok with it.
-G wants to crawl so bad! He's reaching for things and will get down and turn circles on his belly. He hasn't gotten to the rocking stage yet, but I feel like he's almost there.
-He's up to size 3 diapers and is in 9 month clothes. He had short legs and a long body, so pants are long but onesies fit great.
-He's a great eater! So far, he's had carrot, sweet potato, parsnip, peas, broccoli, spinach, butternut squash, pear, apple, blueberries, peach, and banana. We do some finger foods like puffs or small pieces of toast.
-G loves to be out and among people. He loves watching kids play and can not wait until he gets to also.
-He's a very happy baby for the most part, and he gives everyone a huge smile. I get comments about how smiley he is. It's nice to hear because a few months ago, I never got compliments about him- just odd looks of concern. He's definitely made a turn around and it's great!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Half a year down!

Garrett is 6 months old!! In a way, I'm so excited to finally be here. It's been a looooong six months full of many arduous days. Now that we're here, it's a little bittersweet because we're suddenly on the other side, moving closer and closer to a year old! I know that's not right around the corner, but I also know that it will be here before I know it. Time speeds up as kids get older, it definitely doesn't slow down.
Here's what G is up to these days:
•He's 15 lbs and 2.5 oz which keeps him right at 11%ile. His height was only 24.5 inches which means he only grew .25 in. and put him below the curve. We're going to measure again in a month, and there's no real concern right now. Just because we had his 6 month appointment doesn't mean he's hit that growth spurt- he'll grow in his own time. It's more a concern if he doesn't grow at all over the next couple of months. I'm still saying a prayer over it, but I think it'll be fine. He still has a big head- 64 %ile. He's got big brains :)
•We started solids and he loves them! He's had carrot, butternut squash, sweet potato, and banana. He actually has liked the veggies more than the fruit. I made everything like I did for Luke. Next week we're adding greens like broccoli, spinach, and peas.
•G currently still wears a size 2 diaper but I think we'll move to 3 soon. He's leaked a couple of times lately. I'm also finally put him in cloth during the day. It's taken longer to get there this time, but G didn't give me much time for laundry until recently!
• sleep is still our biggest struggle. I kept a log and its amazingly awful. He goes down easily and has definitely taken on a 6:30-7 bedtime. From there, he's up 1-2 times, sometimes 3 times a night. The horrible nights are when he gets up and will take 1.5-2 hours to go back down or when he decides 4:45 or 5:15 is a great time to wake up. We are sleep training tonight!! I really pray and hope this will make this better and finally give our household real rest. We need it desperately.
• Otherwise, G is a very happy baby. His Smile charms everyone around him. I can't tell you how many times I am stopped in the grocery store for people to talk to him. I just know he's going to be trouble :)
•Luke loves him. He comes home from school and tells G he loves him over and over. His love is a rough, boy love that consistently knocks G over and sends Luke to time out. Now Luke makes G laugh, and i know it'll be fun to continually watch their relationship grow.
• We're enjoying Garrett a lot more and our struggles have definitely turned into blessings as of late. It's just been a much more twisty road then it ever was with Luke. If we can get sleep down, life will be amazing and wonderful! I have a feeling this fall will be a season of reaping our hard work. I feel we will have a fall of fun!!!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Garrett at month 5

We're almost to half a year, and I have trouble believing it. I'm definitely happy to keep moving forward, not because I want to wish his baby years away, but because every milestone we hit, G becomes more and more fun!

- G weighs about 14 pounds. I know this because he had his first ear infection :( it was pretty sad, but he responded well to antibiotic and it was fixed quickly! He did spend a few nights in the bouncer again because of congestion, but once he was over it, he went straight back to his crib.
- We have an almost sitter! He can sit up just not for very long. His balance is still off, so when he reaches for something, he tends to fall over. I put him in the middle of the boppy for extra support and he loves it. He can reach toys o the floor and is a little more independent.
- G continues to have the best smile and is pretty happy! He loves being around people and wants to get out there and do what the other kids are doing. He loves play dates! He got so excited when he saw another baby recently- waving his arms and kids around :)
-Sleep is still our big issue at this house. He's fallen into a 6 pm bath time, bed around 6:30/ 6:45. He sometimes rouses for a rock around 8, and then he'll be down until midnight or 1 and then up again at 4:30ish. He'll get up for the day between 6 and 7. So... We have a routine but its not a great routine. We'll probably sleep train at 6 months. I think it'll help his naps too. They tend to be short and all over the place.

Overall, we're enjoying Garrett so much! It's fun to see him and Luke together too :) once we get the sleep part figured out, life will be even better!

Friday, July 5, 2013

4 months old: Garrett-style

G man is doing really great. He's finally settled down and has become a happier baby. He can still throw his opinion out there, but I can definitely say he's happy! I can take him places and not be fearful of a total meltdown. He smiles at people and will even go to sleep without yelling first. Life has become so much more fun.

We still struggle with his sleeping pattern. He's up at least once a night, sometimes more. We have found an early bath and bedtime seems to help, but nothing is ever fool proof with him :)

At 4 months, Garrett weighs 13 lbs, 6.5 ounces. He's 24.25 inches tall. He's around the 15th %ile for both. His head circumference is in the 55th %ile, but I don't remember the number. Interestingly, Luke at the same age weighed .5 ounces less and was a quarter inch taller!

•G still wants to sit up! He's not quite there but would if he could.
•His head control is great! And he's awesome at holding his head up during tummy time.
•This kid can still light up a room with his smile. He's very handsome and he knows how to win you over even when you're frustrated with him.
•I'm finding he likes to be on his little routine and gets tired very easily. He's not a 'take along' baby.
•I'm still not eating dairy, but I'm about to start adding it back in. I've accidentally had some cheese, and he had no issues. I'm hoping to get that back soon. It really hasn't been too hard, but it can be inconvenient. Plus, I have a lot of frozen food that has dairy that I'd love to use!
•G attended his first wedding yesterday. My good friend, Alicia, got married. Like attended Emily's at this exact same age :)
•We're going to try formula soon for G too. I'm hoping one will work so that I don't have to worry about having pumped milk on hand.
•otherwise, I'm still slowly getting the hag of two kids. There are good days and days with setbacks. I feel like Luke still watches a bit too much tv, and he gets handed off a lot. I also know it'll continue to get better as G gets more on a schedule and not just on a routine.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

G man is 3 months!

Garrett is making progress!
We didn't have a dr's appointment this month, so I don't have stats but he's growing!
•We have a happier baby! He laughs and coos. He is a real talker and makes 'talking' sounds all of the time. He always wants people to talk to him, and he'll get upset if you don't!
•He can pretty much hold his head up! It's not perfect yet, but it's much better. He likes to sit up and tries to sit on his own all of the time. I think he'll sit up by 5 months. He would love to now if he could!
•While he's happier and I've been able to take him places without a complete meltdown, he's still not a great sleeper. He has to be rocked to sleep and he likes 'shhhhh' in his ear. When not being held, he'll only last about 30-45 mins for a nap. At night we can get him to sleep in the rocker around 7, but if you put him in his bed before 8, he wakes up. It's so odd. He has a weird 6th sense. His night sleep is totally disorganized. Sometimes he sleeps until 2, or 1, or maybe midnight. It's always a surprise. I'm ready for that to sort itself out, but I've been told that it will take a serious cry it out session to make it happen, so I pray for a patience while we wait until 6 months to do that.
•He decided he liked to be worn again! Ye! I now do that when I go out with both most of the time. So much easier!
•He loves to be sung to, especially itsy bitsy spider and patty cake.
•this kid has a smile that lights up a room!! He is so excited to see you- even at 2 am, so it kind of makes it better :)
•He's wearing 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers.
•He still loves to be rocked and we nap together in the rocking chair alot!
• G gets to sit in the bimbo now which is awesome! He loves to sit and look around. I think this had helped with his happy factor.
•His congestion is gone! Right about 3 months, it just disappeared. Lovely!
•Luke loves, loves him! He's always kissing and hugging him. I hope they grow to be best buds :)

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Garrett's 2 months!

•He's 11 lbs 2 oz and in the 25th %ile
•He is about 23 in. libg and in the 50th%ile.
•He smiles and talks to you. We are seeing it more and more.
•He enjoys being on the ocean playmat just chilling but doesn't love tummy time on there.
•We've found he likes the bouncer on vibrate and he enjoys looking at the toy bar that attaches.
•The kid still loves to be rocked- we could sit on a rocker all day long!
•His sleep is still all over. He's still sleeping I'm his bouncer due to his congestion and hatred of sleeping alone. Every night is a surprise to see how long he sleeps but he's usually up around 12:30 and then 3:30. If I'm lucky, it's once at 3:30.
•Garrett is still having a hard time adjusting to the world and still proves to be a grumpy baby. He's what they call a hard one, and yes he is. Since he's fussy, we just haven't been able to move toward a routine as quickly as I would like. We're still just going with the flow. We've found a pacifier and he finally can keep it in hissing longer than 2 minutes, so that's helping. Hopefully, next month we'll be on more of a schedule and he'll be happier overall. I'm bracing for it to take up to 4 months. Needless to say, it's been a roller coaster these past couple of months.
•G is a very cute baby. He's getting long eyelashes, still has dark grey eyes, has a faint dimple on one side, and has a very round face. He's very handsome!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

One month + 2 years

It's somewhat amazing that I'm posting about two children and not just one :) I've decided to be done with Luke's monthly posts since he's now two. It just seems like a natural place to stop. But I will contine with Garrett's monthly posts. Pit one down, start another. It's kind of the theme of my life now!

One month for Garrett:
- 20 3/4 inches long, 9 lbs 6 oz
- we've had an interesting few weeks with Garrett. Right about 3 weeks he became very fussy- just screaming at points in the day and just all around very discontent. I can't say that he was a very happy baby. It was sad because we tried everything to make him happier. Just this week, I eliminated dairy from my diet. So far, this has made the most difference in his disposition. He's calmer and hasn't just all out screamed today. I'm really hoping this helps him and I can report a haph baby soon!
- because of our screaming issues, I feel like I'm still getting to know him.
- he does smile, though I haven't caught one on camera yet.
- he looks and studies people when they hold him and talk to him.
- he's very strong. He tries to hold his head up at times and can throw it back pretty well!
- he's starting to get cute little baby rolls on his legs and arms.
- this kid is a pretty good eater and he sleeps well at night. He goes a good 5 hour stretch. He'll usually take at least one good, long nap during the day.
- we love him and are glad he's apart of our family. I'm excited to see what the future holds!

Luke- 24 months!!
- he's 32.25" and 25 lbs. he's pretty small for his age but he's got big personality!
Even harder to believe is that Luke is 2!
We had a very small party for him but he had a great time!
- he talks so much! He is definitely high on the language charts. He says full sentences now- three to four words. Luke get up on couch. Lukie driving car. Things like that, and he does call himself Lukie :)
-he can count to ten! And loves to 'count' things.
- he went through some separation anxiety after Garrett was born and would cry, mama hold you, and it was very sad but now things are much better in that arena
-he's beginning imaginative play. Yesterday he cooked me some beans in a watering pot. It was very cute.
-his favorite cartoon is peppa pig- a British pig.
- Luke still loves blackberries, tractors, trucks, dinosaurs, cooking, books, puzzles, cars, his bus and Sheila-Pedro-max, and his family :)

Monday, March 4, 2013

23 months!

- he says, "hold you" when he wants to be picked up
- He is obsessed with his horsie.
- Still repeats a lot! Today- luke so strong!
- loves to be outside
- doesn't like to ride in the stroller much anymore
- wants to push/ pull the wagon
- can get into and out of his seat at the table by himself
- loves to turn his living room chair into a jungle gym
- loves dinosaurs!!
- favorite movie is now toy story
- will point at his diaper and say dirt!
- speaks in small sentences like - Luke sit couch.

Love, love him!!
Ps. Started this post on 3/4 and he became a big brother on 3/7! But more on that later!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Almost there!

Trey and I took advantage of parents night out at the church this past Friday. We paid a small fee to drop Luke off at 6 and then get him at 9. Much cheaper than a babysitter! We had a nice dinner at Sissys which is not new, but it opened just after Luke was born, so we had been missing out. It was good, and it was nice to be out with trey.

Very soon, the baby boy will be here! We're a day away from full term, so it's literally whenever he decides to make his arrival. I'm hoping he'll hold off until after March 7th because I have things on te calendar up until then!
I've been feeling well. Definitely more achey and crampy. Overall, it's ok.

In addition, there's a lot of nesting going on. The room is almost done and I'll get pics up once it's complete.

I'm excited to meet him and can't wait to see what he looks like :) I think Luke will be a great big brother, and it'll be fun to see the brothers together!

Saturday, February 9, 2013


Luke got a new haircut! He looks like Floyd Christmas, but a much cuter version.

Monday, February 4, 2013

22 months

  • Not much new this month to report honestly. 
  • Mostly he's a parrot and will repeat pretty much anything that comes out of your mouth.
  • He loves to play in the library stacks and run around the kids' area but when it comes to the activity time, he freezes and just watches. I think he secretly thinks everyone around him is crazy and he's above it.

• He used to call animals by the sound they made like 'moo', 'nay', and 'oo ahah' but now he calls them their real names. The other way was cuter :)
•He loves all sticks. He even makes sure me and dad have a stick. Such a giver.
•Loves to run around the playground. Not so much play, just run.
•He's still our politician. We went to a super bowl party and he worked the crowd like a pro. Would much rather be in a room full of adults showing off than playing with the other kids.
•Still loves school and he's all signed up for MDO on tues/ fri next year.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

21 Months + 30 weeks

And, Luke is even closer to 2 and this baby #2 is even closer to being done.

  • Luke is hilarious unless he's being whiny, and then he's not so funny. But the milestones now are pretty much funny things he does or says.
  • He got a kitchen for Christmas and proudly tells us "I cook". He also says "Eat Dada". He loves to make a hamburger patty and stir a tomato in a pot.He is very proud of himself when we tell him that we love the meal he's cooked.
  • Luke is also talking so much! He will at least attempt to repeat any words we throw at him, and I still would say he's using a new word almost every day. 
  • His first complete sentence this month was "I eat cookie". Most of his other sentences are groups of words like 'dada work car' or 'no eat dog'. But I still think that's pretty good!
  • We've also been able to get him to count to 3 on his own and repeat the entire ABC's. He even repeated 1-10 in Spanish one day! it was pretty funny.
  • His favorite game at the moment is 'Ready, Set, Go'. He asks to play 'set, go' all the time as it means his dad while chase him around the house repeatedly trying to catch him. Luke LOVES this game.
  • He's starting calling KC, khaki. I think it's a mixture of kitty cat, kiten, kace, kc because we call her one of those things many times each day. I'm wondering if he was confused about what to call her, so he just invented his own word. I guess it works.
  • We've pushed the bedtime back to around 7:30/7:45. It's been pretty good so far. It's also been instrumental in him sleeping until around 7 in the morning.
  • This week Luke starts MDO two days a week! He's going Tuesday to the methodist church and Friday to the lutheran church. WE couldn't get him in both days at once place, but I figure it'll be nice to see him at two different places and how they handle things, then we can choose which we prefer for next year.
  • The whole reason he's going two days is so that I get more of a break and am not completely insane when #2 comes! Updates for 2 aren't as interesting, as there's not a whole lot going on, but here's something for you.
  • I'm officialy 31 weeks now (I think I started this post at 30). He'll be here very quick.
  • He's still very active. He's a jabber and a poker. My internal organs are going to be bruised before this kid comes out.
  • He's measuring right now track. His heartbeat has been a strong 130 pretty much every time we go to the office.
  • The pregnancy has been pretty uneventful except that my hips are really hurting this time around. I think it has a lot to do with carrying and maneuvering Luke around constantly. When I get a break from that, my hips feel miraculously better. Otherwise, there's not much to complain about!
Our 2013 is going to be busy! We've already started to make room for the new nursery and get that bedroom cleaned out. We're ordering a new crib and getting things in order. I've made many to-do lists for what needs to happen in the coming months. Hopefully, everything will continue to go smoothly.

*Sorry this is late and with no pics. It seems I don't have time and/or energy to do either.