Thursday, December 12, 2013

Nine months!!

We're so close to a year now, it's weird! I'm starting to think about 1st birthday things- what in the world?!?

Here's how Mr. G us doing!
-17 lbs which is about 15th %ile
-26.25 inches which is negative %ile, literally below the line.
- head is 55th %ile- what really counts :)

- G is a better sleeper. He gets up between 2 and 4 to nurse, but sleeps well otherwise.
-He's pulling up all over the place and over thanksgiving, he eve climbed a stair.
-G is still all over the place crawling. He loves chasing Luke around. 
- He pretty much only wants to play with Luke's toys at this point. He is not into baby toys.
- He's really happy all of the time. He's a trooper these days.
- G still takes 2 naps around 9 and 1. I can flex them a little, but he'll only take two- no matter what!
- G wears size 3 diapers. He can wear 12 month pj's but he's still mostly in 9 month clothes.
- This kid will eat mostly everything. And we've moved him completely to table food. He loves it all! He also can use a sippy cup with a straw like a pro.
- G also likes to bang :) and he loves to be sung to.

This kid has really become such a lover. I love being around him. He can be demanding but he loves to be held and he'll lay his head down on my shoulder which melts my heart. I love it :) and I love him.

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