My sweet, wonderful college roommates threw me my first baby shower!
We decided to do it in Houston. I got to see some Houston friends that I don't see very often and some of Trey's family was able to come which was very fun! His Aunt Judith and cousin Taylor came from Hempstead, his Aunt Daryl, cousin Jeanne and her daughter Riley came from San Antonio, and then, of course, his mom got to come from Alice! Lauren, his sister, lives in Houston which made it super easy for her to be there. We felt so honored that family drove in to be with us on this special day :)
Beginning to open presents. He got many cute outfits!!
We decided to do it in Houston. I got to see some Houston friends that I don't see very often and some of Trey's family was able to come which was very fun! His Aunt Judith and cousin Taylor came from Hempstead, his Aunt Daryl, cousin Jeanne and her daughter Riley came from San Antonio, and then, of course, his mom got to come from Alice! Lauren, his sister, lives in Houston which made it super easy for her to be there. We felt so honored that family drove in to be with us on this special day :)
(L to R: Christy Havel, Emily Granath, Alicia Lauve, Me, Layla Baughn, and Erin Davis)
When I got home, I took a few more pictures of his loot.
The morning after the shower, the hostesses and their significant others (minus Erin because she and baby Kelcie were on their way back to Ft Worth) had breakfast.
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