3 Months Old!
July 2, 2011
July 2, 2011
Milestones this month:
- Belly laughs
- Coos at us
- Sucks on his fingers- usually the pointer and middle finger together
- Sings a sleepy 'song' when he's tired
- Loves to be rocked to sleep
- Sleeps in his crib for all naps and at night!
- Sleeping at night is still somewhat erratic- some nights he's up once sometime between 3 and 4:30, some nights he'll sleep until the morning
- Naps are short right now. We're happy if he takes an hour long nap. His usual is 30 minutes.
- Grabs at toys and put them in his mouth. Here's documentation:
- Wears size one diapers
- Wears 0-3 month clothes but we'll quickly need 3-6 month old pajamas
- Either doesn't like his car seat or car rides very much. He usually cries at some point during a car ride.
- Enjoys going for a ride in his stroller. He can now ride in the stroller without the car seat attachment. I put the head pad in for a little extra support because his head can still be a little wobbly, but we'll probably stop using that soon.
- Does a bridge pose when he's on his back, especially during diaper changes.
- Kicking and moving his arms around a lot! I've gotten a couple of hands to the eyes.
- Can roll up onto his side but still doesn't go all the way over.
- Is much better with tummy time but still doesn't tolerate it for long. This month's goal is to do more of it!
- Loves to hang out on his playmat and look up at the toys above him.
- Has a killer grip now- it's amazing how strong babies become so quickly!
- He's still a good eater. He will go anywhere from 2-4 hours between feedings. He dives right in. So far, I haven't had to give him any formula.
- He finally took a bottle from me! I was so proud :)
- He's really good at holding his head up.
- His eye sight his so much better! He can really see things around him now which makes him a bit distracted at times.
- Overall, we're seeing more and more of his personality which makes being around him more and more fun! He's definitely laid back and very sweet with a good sense of humor, but he can also be a bit stubborn. We're excited to get to know him more and more as the days go by!
Luke is Gerber baby beautiful. He really has that happy perfection. You guys are great parents!