This milestone actually happened a week ago, but with a visit from grandparents and a trip to Colorado happening all last week, the blog was ignored. That's ok, though, because those were both very fun things.
We have developments!
We went to the pediatrician on August 1st, and she said Luke was great! He's pretty much doing what he's supposed to for his age :)
Bad Comic Luke
Pretty Boy Luke
We have developments!
We went to the pediatrician on August 1st, and she said Luke was great! He's pretty much doing what he's supposed to for his age :)
- Weight: 13 lbs. 6 oz.- 25-50th%
- Height: 24 1/2 ins.- 25-50th%
- Head circumference:
- He still only will roll onto his side by himself and he'll only do it in his crib when he's sleeping.
- He is much better with tummy time- he'll lay with his arms propping him up for 5-10 minutes at a time.
- He's constantly smiling.
- He's learned to pick a soft block up with his feet.
- His favorites toys are Sophie the giraffe, a sphere rattle, soft blocks, and a round circle rattle from Aunt Lauren and Uncle Jason.
- He likes to make raspberries.
- He's recently found his tongue and is always sticking it out.
- He's a great sleeper! He goes down about 7 at night and doesn't get up until 6 or 6:30 the next morning. He takes a lot of short naps during the day, but sometimes they'll be longer.
- He's grabbing and touching people's faces now.
- He'll go to sleep on his own in his crib without being rocked to sleep.
- LOVES being outside!
- Dancing to music or singing always get a huge smile and a laugh.
- He thinks his Daddy is the funniest person.
- Enjoys sitting in his bumbo or propped up with pillows- he doesn't like reclining very much anymore.
- He has the funniest faces.
- He wears 3-6 month mostly but will fit into some of his 0-3 month outfits. He's not very big.
- He's officially in size 2 diapers, though.
- He loves visitors, so people can come see us!!
I still say that he has Gerber baby looks!