Thursday, November 3, 2011

7 months

The theme for this month has been:
Lukie's on the move!

This boy has started going and he's not slowing down!

We've had a great month, and here's how he's doing:

This is one of the only shots I could get without Mr. Bear being knocked down.

Sweet face.

Loves Mr. Bear's bow.

Cruisin' on past. Lukie's on the movie.

Trying to lean over the arm to see into the toy basket below. He regularly does this. Feeding has become an adventure because of this.
  • We did get to weigh him recently and he was 15 lbs, 3 ozs which is small for his age, but that doesn't slow him down.
  • He's wearing some 6 month clothes, but we've pretty much moved solidly into 9 months. Some pants are long on him, but that's the story of his life.
  • He's in size 2 disposable diapers, but we'll get size 3 next time. They are quickly becoming too small.
  • He goes to bed more like 6:45 now. He can make it to 7 sometimes! He gets up for a feed at 5:30ish pretty often, but he also has his moments of sleeping past 6 am. 
  • We're home for 3 naps right now. I will say, he loves his sleep :)
  • Luke has started moving all over the place! He mastered sitting up and now he's scooting/ army crawling all over. If he wants it, he can move towards it now. We're moving shoes away from him often. He also likes to go towards our floor lamp and Trey's stereo equipment. We'll see what happens with that. Luckily, our house doesn't have many plugs (score one for older home), so we haven't had to do too much baby proofing. Once he can pull up on things, we'll be definitely doing a lot. We've got a lot of stuff on top of tables that will have to go.
  • He loves to hang in his exercsaucer. He also loves playing with blocks and rings. He mostly likes taking them out of a box. He'll scoot himself over to his toy box to pull stuff out, so our living room is regularly littered with toys now.
  • He's discovered KC and has a huge grin on his face whenever she comes around. He tries to scoot over to get her, but she's too clever for that. She'll sit there and let him watch her, but once he gets too close, it's all over and she runs away.
  • Recently, he's been waving. I'm not sure he really knows what he's doing ,but he'll mimic you doing it. It's funny, though, because he waves to himself instead of to other people. It's super cute!!
  • Solid foods are now part of our daily routine. He's eaten peas, green beans, sweet potatoes, parsnip, carrots, butter nut squash, pears, apples, plums, oatmeal, banana, avocado, and yogurt. We're working on making his purees lumpier so he can learn to chew and introducing meats! He eats solids at least two times a day and sometimes a small third meal. It just depends on the schedule of the day.
  • We love to go for walks, and I've been trying to get out for a walk every day. It's a good break in our day plus the fresh air does a body good!
I think that's about it. We're loving life and trying to enjoy every moment! I'm excited for the holiday season, and we'll have so much fun! We definitely have a lot to be thankful for this year :)

1 comment:

  1. Love that sweet face! Yes, you do have much to be thankful for. I love you!
