Monday, April 9, 2012

12 months= 1 year

Luke turned One!!

We got to use the last of his month onesies. It's kind of sad that we've closed the first chapter of his life, but we're excited for many more!!

How cute is this picture?!?
What's down there?

He's looking good!

Luke's new soothing move- fingers and stroking his own hair.

Sweet, sweet boy
  • Luke's doing really well and developing just on schedule, or even a little early. His speech is ahead of where it should be, although his basic words are kitty, doggy, daddy, and hiya, but they're all 2 syllable and they only expect 1-3 at this point. 
  • He's pointing at things ALL of the TIME. We're constantly telling him what things are and describing what he's seeing. He seems to like pictures and ceiling fans. Kind of odd but that's ok. I think he's really intelligent because he tends to pick up on things really quickly.
  • He's still a tiny little boy. He's low on his weight right now- I mean, the kid's not even 20 lbs at a year. I'm feeding him as much as possible and we're giving him pediasure which is basically an extra calorie shake for infants. He's not failing to thrive or anything, he just doesn't put on weight very well. I never, ever thought in my wildest dreams I'd ever have a kid who can't put on weight. I mean, Trey and I are definitely not skinny people and we love food. I'm not sure where he gets his weight issues from, but it's very frustrating at times. I just pray that he's not a freakishly small boy when he gets older. That's kind of my worst nightmare, and I'm basically living it right now, but I hope that he continues to get bigger and bigger. I don't expect him to be in the 95th percentile or anything, but I would love for him to be at least in the 25th and stay there. I'm just not sure why his weight is so low, and it's hard to constantly be having to work on this issue. 
  • He's still a super fast crawler. He pulls up and pushes his walker around (and other things like boxes, laundry baskets, his little ride on car, etc.) He still needs to work on his balance, but he's getting there. I think he'll probably walk between 13 and 14 months because he can go wherever he wants by crawling. I think the more he's around walkers, the more he'll start doing it. But I'm really not concerned about that because once he walks, he'll run. And I'm already chasing him around enough right now!
  • Lately, he's been trying to feed himself with his spoon and comb his hair with his comb. It's pretty cute. He completely understands how to do it, but he can't quite do it by himself. It's pretty funny to watch him, though.
  • Even though he's small, he is in 12 month clothes. It fits him length wise mostly ok, but it is a little big in the waist. If he's in cloth diapers, that's not a problem, though. Nine month stuff is mostly too short, but he can get away with it at times. He's still wearing size 3 diapers, also, and I don't think that will change any time soon.
  • He had his 3rd haircut! One things this boy can do is grow hair. I'm amazed at how fast it grows!
  • We're working on introducing cows milk.  He gets to drink whole milk- gotta get as much fat as possible into him. He seems to like it. He doesn't really gulp it down, but we all know he's never gulped anything down. I've been giving him the sippy cup to use more and more instead of putting the milk into a bottle. He's got the sippy cup with a straw mastered, so now I'm working on the kind you have to tilt backwards. That's been a little bit harder to introduce, but he is getting the hang of it. He's never been a huge fan of the bottle, and I don't really want to go backwards. He seems to be figuring out quickly. Like I said, he's not gulping it down, but he routinely drinks from it. I've dropped the feeding after his first nap, and he gets milk then right now. Later this week, I'll drop the feeding after his second nap. Then, it'll get really fun where I'll try and drop his AM feed which I'm not sure how that will be possible at this point. I guess he does gulp that feed down. I may end up dropping this feed last and drop the bedtime feed before. 
  • Luke's still an early riser. He routinely gets up at 5:30, but I can get him to go back to bed by nursing him. This is why I'm very nervous about dropping that feed because I have this scary feeling we'll be up at 5:30 if he can't nurse back down. I'm not excited about getting up at 5:30 on a regular basis, but I guess we'll deal with it as it comes. It could always be worse!
  • He's still taking is AM nap especially if he gets up earlier in the morning. If he sleeps in, then he usually will skip the AM nap. The PM nap happens regularly, the length is just dependent on how much of a morning nap he gets.
  •  Overall, he's a very happy baby. He's so smiley and laughs all of the time. He's a busy bee, too. He's constantly on the move, and he plays constantly with his toys. I will say, I'm very lucky because he's so happy and loves to be around people. He makes friends anywhere we go. People constantly comment about how cute and sweet he is. I love him very much, and I'm so happy I get to share my life with him :) 
Here's a few more pics from his ACTUAL Birthday. Too bad baby boy was sick :( but he was still really cute :)

His fever was down for this picture. The PJ's are zipped down in order to get the thermometer in there easily.

We made him banana pancakes and sung him happy birthday again. He's so confused and so not feeling good again.

My mom reading him a book. He was definitely not feeling good here. But it's a sweet picture.

He got this chair from Kristin. He looks pretty cute in it!

That evening he was feeling good enough to climb in his toy box with his stuffed animals. I LOVE this picture :)

1 comment:

  1. Good post and pictures! Love the picture of Luke in his toy box!
