Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow Day Numero Dos

Snow Day 2!

Amazingly, we had off AGAIN, and this time Trey decided to stay at home and work, so the first thing I did was make us breakfast!

It was a bowl full of goodness: scrambled eggs, sausage, hashbrowns, sauteed onions, and cheese. We could have made a taco out of it, but we didn't have any tortillas, but it was still very yummy.

Here's Trey's snow day 'office'.
I tried my hardest not to bother him and keep the TV low. It's hard to have another person in your house you'd like to talk to, but you really have to pretend isn't there. I'm kind of glad he doesn't work from home- I know I'd bother him way too much.

After that, the day got super lazy. I did do my yoga and cleaned our bathroom, but otherwise, I spent a lot of time browsing the internet, watching TV, reading a book. I will have to say I'm enjoying this time of forced laziness. Life has been so hectic lately, and I hadn't really been feeling 100% for about two weeks, so in all honesty these snow days have been just what I needed.

KC has also been very lazy. You'd think with her fur coat, she'd be warmer than us, but this is how I found her on the couch.
Where's the kitten?
There she is!

She literally laid swaddled up in that blanket the entire evening.

Now, I'm on to Snow Day Numero Tres! I'm not thinking there will be much of an update about this one. I think laziness will reign supreme. I may try to venture out for some lunch later just to break up the day. I know I will definitely not have lazy days for years to come here in a bit, so I'm really trying just to enjoy it and take advantage of this time by myself. I am beginning to wonder if we get Snow Day Numero Cuatro- I may have trouble with that, but we'll see!

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