Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow Day Numero One

As you can see it wasn't as much of a snow day as it was an ice day. I got the call not to go in about 5:30 am, and then after sleeping in until 9, here's what I did!

Set up baby boy's bedding in his crib.

Front view

Inside #1

Inside #2

I had to wash the sheet this morning, and while I was at it, I washed all of his clothes he's received so far. Now he has a clean place to sleep and clean clothes to wear!

I baked a chocolate chip pound cake for a friend who just had twins. I was going to take it to her tomorrow, but it may be later in the week.
Going in the oven.

While that cooked, I checked the mail with KC.

It was quick- way too cold out there.

I had a mid-afternoon snack of apples and peanut butter.

Then, it was time to take the pound cake out of the oven to let cool.

I also made Trey and I dinner (sorry, no pics), but it was panko breaded chicken, mac 'n cheese, and a salad.

Now, Trey's finishing some work while KC and I relax after our busy day :)

We don't have school AGAIN tomorrow, so now I'm brainstorming what I need to get done tomorrow on Snow Day Numero Dos!

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