We've had Luke home for a little over a week so far and he's already changed so much!
What he's been up to:
First Bath at home!
Sleeping sweetly in his cradle. I think the next day, though, we moved him to his crib. Such a big boy already!
So cute in his jeans!
Love it! Thanks to Dave and Corinne for this one :)
His name on his butt! So cute!
What he's been up to:
- Last Friday at the doctor, he weighed 7 lbs 11.5 oz. I'm thinking that he's already gained back up to his birth weight, but we won't know for sure until next week when we go back.
- He is a great eater! He knows when he's hungry for sure. He tries to latch himself on already, but he usually misses so he still needs help, but it's funny to watch.
- He'll go four hours between some feedings- usually one long stretch during the day and one longer stretch at night. The other times he likes to eat about 2 to 2.5 hours apart.
- I need to get a picture of the face he makes when he's done feeding- it's pretty cute. It's this little frowny face.
- He moans and makes little noises in his sleep.
- His startle reflex is really good! He's always flailing his arms in his sleep when he hears a noise on the TV or something.
- He makes this grunt noise when he doesn't want to do something.
- For the most part, he's really laid back. He just hangs back and watches things.
- When we do tummy time, he can turn his head from one side to the other. The nurse even commented that he's very strong!
- We like to make his hair kind of poofy after his bath. We want it to looks like Trey's :)
- He's already scratched himself twice on his cheek and bled a little. I've got to file his nails more often!
- I'm trying to capture on film all of his funny faces he makes- they're pretty cute!
- We just LOVE him! He's wonderful and perfect!
I love your post. Thanks for the update! We were so jealous that Lauren got mid week time with him. And we really liked that Darth Vader outfit.
ReplyDeleteCute pics! I like the bath pic. :)