His many faces:
Two month milestones:
Two month milestones:
- Weighs 11 lbs. 11 ozs.- 50th percentile
- Height is 22 1/2 inches- 25th percentile
- Head circumference is 38 cm.- 15th percentile
- Smiles all of the time!
- Coos and laughs at us regularly. It's so cute, and it's definitely more fun :) We spend a lot of time "talking" to each other. I feel like I'm learning more of his personality now which is good!
- Looks at things around him. He'll stare right at you. He's just found his toys to looks at and himself in his mirror. Today, he looked at another baby for the first time.
- He's still wearing 0-3 month outfits, but we've put him in 3-6 month stuff also.
- He wears size 1 diapers still. We've also transitioned over to the cloth diapers. I'm a hybrid user of the cloth. I still put him in disposables at night and for times of convenience. But more on that in another post- I'm working on a big cloth diaper update.
- We're still working on tummy time. He's realized he doesn't like it too much, but he's got to build strength so we do it, just not for very long.
- He has really good head control and very soon he'll regularly be holding it up with no problem.
- He sleeps in at least five hour intervals for the most part. He's been up at different times, but it's usually only once a night which is nice. Twice he's slept 8 hours! Those are awesome nights, but I can't complain about 5 hour stretches.
- We're definitely settling in more now and starting to get into some resemblance of a routine. I at least feel like I can get things done during the day. I definitely feel like I'm coming out of the newborn haze, as I like to call it. I think we're finally out of survival and into living! I like to try to get out of the house at least once a day and sometimes twice. I still take a little 30 minute nap during the day usually, but I definitely survive if I don't have it. A couple of weeks ago, I felt like a walking zombie if I didn't get a good nap in, and they were usually an hour at the minimum.
I love the last two posts! The pictures are great and I'm so glad to hear that life is becoming a more reasonable reality and adjustment for you! Can't wait to see you all. I'll call about possible plans to come to see you next week. Waiting on some things with my mom before I make actual plans! :)