Monday, September 19, 2011

Hangin' Around

 I'm super interested in drinking from my own cup, so mom gave me my own cup with water in it, but I HATE the taste of water, so she put some breast milk in it, and I still wouldn't actually drink from it, but I think I look pretty cool with my cup, anyway. I mean, the ladies dig it.

 'Sup, cat? 

 Daddy and me on game day! My parents (actually my grandma M) got their stuff together and got me an Aggie shirt. I mean, really?!? How are they going to get me to go to that school if I don't have any of its gear? Geez....

Ok, the last few pictures are of Luke when we were having family hang out time this past Sunday. I was really just playing with the camera, but when I looked back, I realized I had some cute pictures of him. Everyday, he's becoming this little person. I can barely remember what he was like as a newborn. I keep taking pictures of him because it's even more apparent how quickly time is going by, and I know one day, I'll barely be able to remember him at this point, and it makes me sad. I wish I could bottle him up. But I know that won't happen, so the 600ish pictures we have of him (just from September) will have to do.

I mean, he is the cutest kid, isn't he?!?


  1. He most definitely is the cutest kid! Now you know what we mean when we say you can't get that time back. Love every single minute - even the difficult ones as they will fade. I love you!

  2. He is the cutest kid! I love the aggie gear! Thanks Grandma M for the cute outfit. He and Dad look wonderful in maroon! Counting down the hours until we get to see him next!
