Saturday, October 15, 2011

Video Fun 2

Here's the other video. I finally got it to work. Look at my prior post for video 1.

Luke's eating peas and carrots mixed together in this video. Yes, it looks disgusting. He hates peas, so I thought carrots might make them taste better. They do go together; they're even sold that way in a can. Plus, he likes carrots, so I figured it may hide the pea taste. I was wrong. I did figure out how he likes peas the next day- mixed with apples! Of course, why didn't I think of that earlier?


  1. I think he might have actually said, "Baa-a-d." Hehe. Cute.

  2. "Please don't make me eat anymore of this!" "I'm a really good natured kind of kid, but if you keep shoveling this yucky stuff in my mouth, you may see another side of me that isn't pretty...." Sorry Luke, not all food goes down easy! LOL
