Monday, October 3, 2011

Six Months

Luke Henry Jackson is officially 6 months old!!


  • I'll have his weight and height on Wednesday when we go to his doctor's appointment.
  • He now loves to give kisses with his mouth wide open.
  • He reaches up for you to hold him.
  • He can sit up all by himself and can even catch himself if he starts to fall.
  • Sleeping is still going well. He goes down at 6:30 pm and gets up around 6 am. He takes about three naps each day.
  • He's still eating oatmeal once a day, and we'll start solids after his doctor's appointment. (I have a few questions about that :))
  • He can still somewhat fit in his 3 month clothes, but is pretty solidly in the 6 month ones. He still only wears size 2 diapers.
  • He's been in childcare while I attend my MOPS meetings. It's only 3 hours, but he does well!
  • He took his longest road trip to Houston.
  • He's eaten a little mashed avocado which he loved! I think he'll be a good eater :)
  • He attended his first birthday part for his friend Jack.
  • He went to College Station for the first time!
  • We left him for eight and a half hours atmy parents' house, so we could attend the A&M game. That's the longest we've ever been away from him.
  • Of course, he got his first haircut which is already growing out in a noticeable way.
  • He survived his first 'illness'- a runny nose.
  • He's not crawling, but he can definitely move around on the rug and circle around to what he wants.
  • His favorite thing to do is reach for things that are just out of his reach. Favorites tend to be the remote control and the iphone.
Overall, he's become so much more fun! I still can't believe we've made it six months. In some ways, it's been the longest six months of my life, and in other ways it's flown by!! Now that he interacts with us, I can see how we have even more great days in store. I have a feeling he'll be on the move soon, so we're trying to enjoy our days of 'Stationary Luke' while we can!

Here are a few more pics from our photo session!

He's being a funny boy.

He loves to 'fly'.

How sweet! I love that face.

I think this is the first good picture Luke and I have taken together.

This is the outfit we bought when we found out he was a boy! Now, it's on him :)

Parting shot: He can take the bear down now!

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