Wednesday, March 2, 2011

35 Weeks

At this photo, I'm 35.5 weeks along. Yikes!
First off, I feel like I look HUGE in this picture. I thought I looked a little better, but maybe the photo tells the truth.
At this point:
  • He's moving constantly which is a good thing, but sometimes it's a little awkward. We're starting to share a little too much space. Sometimes his movements are almost violent. He's definitely stronger than before!
  • He still tends to be right up under my ribs, so I don't think he's moving down very quickly. I can definitely feel the shortness in breath at this point.
  • He's sometimes on the right side now, but not as much as before. I think he's too big to be more on one side than the other now.
  • He's had the hiccups! It's a strange feeling for sure. It's kind of a neat feeling at first, but then it gets a little annoying.
  • I'm feeling more tired than anything. It's hard work lugging around an extra person. I've had to learn to slow down and listen to when my body needs a break. I'm usually a go-go person who hates to slow down, but I definitely feel it if I push too much.
  • My feet have started swelling just a bit. It's not anything big, but I can tell the difference, and I don't like it. I just feel lucky I haven't swelled any more.
  • I get achy and crampy sometimes. I don't know how I'll be able to handle getting much bigger, but I guess I'll just take it one day at a time.
  • I do feel lucky that I'm not overall horribly uncomfortable. I can still take it. I don't know how I'll feel in a couple of weeks, but I'm hanging in there for now.
It's weird to think that maybe by the end of this month we'll have a baby! I think we're both ready, but a little nervous, for him to finally be here. I'm excited to see what he looks like (which I predict that he'll look just like Trey). I'm not looking forward to the lack of sleep because I already feel run down and tired- I'm not excited about feeling worse than this. I know that won't last forever, though, and at least we'll have him here.

We're waiting on one piece of furniture and then I'll post pictures of the nursery in its entirety. Right now, KC is definitely the family member who is enjoying the room the most. She's breaking it in for the baby :)

Yea for the last month of pregnancy. Pretty soon I can say, "when I was pregnant". That'll be a good feeling :) I'm excited to post pictures of our actual baby and not just his stuff!


  1. You look great! The room is looking nice as well. Can't wait to meet the little guy and see the nursery.

  2. You are looking ready to be a mommy! So sorry I couldn't be there for you at the last shower...just think, the next time I see you, you might already be post pregnacy and you won't feel so big anymore! Now is the time to take care of yourself and really listen to your body! We love you! Hank and Mary
